Friday, June 11, 2010

Pictures of African Animals

Africa is perhaps the only continent of the world that is rich in a wide variety of flora and fauna and when it comes to wild animals, no other country has more wild and forest animals than Africa. That is why, African Safari is one of the best holiday destinations in the world. All the regions in Africa are situated in the vicinity of tropics and equally to the north and south of the equator, which is the main reason that makes it a favorable region for the habitats of great numbers of species of animals.

Most of the African Animals are found in the Afrotropical or Sub-Saharan regions of the African Continent. Besides more than 400 species of invertebrates, in Africa, you can find all sorts of animals and its species including the largest diversity of freshwater mollusks, marine snails, and thousands of species of insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and rodents. On this site, we have made an attempt to cover a large varieties of Pictures of African Animals.

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